Resource Center

Bob Canterbury Provides Financial Guidance to Callers on WAMC’s Vox Pop

Senior Wealth Advisor, Bob Canterbury, provides financial guidance to callers on WAMC’s Vox Pop. Listen in as he covers topics like the American ...

Postponement of 2020 Individual Tax Return Deadline

The Internal Revenue Service and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance have announced that the individual income tax filing ...

Get Rid of Tax Season Struggles

Every hour businesses spend doing taxes is an hour not spent moving the business forward. Outsourcing accounting and tax preparation can end the ...

Adam Lawrence Featured in Spectrum News on Returning Back to the Office Safely

BST Adam Lawrence featured on Spectrum News discussing what organizations should think about when bringing employees back to the office.

CAA Offers Tax Breaks for Manufacturers

The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) — the massive spending package passed in December 2020 — includes many provisions designed to help ...

BST Partner Featured in Albany Business Review Article on the PPP Loan Window for Smallest Businesses

BST Partner James Lozano was featured in Albany Business Review article on the PPP loan window for smallest businesses.

Webinar Recording: Cloud-based Security Concerns

Jon Schwalb from Repeat Business Systems and Kristen Berdar from BST Virtual Accounting Solutions host a 30-minute webinar on cloud-based ...

Jim Cole Featured in WRGB Coverage of GameStop Taxes

BST partner, Jim Cole, was a featured tax expert in a WRGB Channel 6 story on the 6 pm news on the tax implications of the recent events ...

BST’s VFL Team Sponsored the Family Law Section NYSBA Annual Meeting

The Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Support team sponsored the Family Law Section of the NYSBA Annual Meeting on January 28, 2021.

Bob Canterbury Shares His Analysis of the GameStop Situation for Local News

Bob Canterbury shares his analysis of the GameStop situation appearing on three of the four local TV stations: WNYT NBC 13, WRGB CBS 6 and WTEN ...

John Gross Appears on WRGB Story on Pandemic Unemployment Benefits

BST Partner John Gross appeared on WRGB discussing how unemployment benefits might impact local tax returns this year.